kaaspro Products


75Health is the Electronic Health Record software which is not just about being paperless. It is about inculcating a tradition of simulated and simplified working with intelligent systems that help doctors work efficiently and enhance patient care. Working on a cloud-based technology, it is cost-efficient, fast and secure.

Visit 75Health.com

EHR White Label

75Health offers hassle-free white labeling service to your business irrespective of industry and sizes. Client's unique brand and URL are seamlessly incorporated in the system. No need for them to invest on resources- we provide ready to use solutions under your banner or brand!

EHR Private Cloud

75Health Private Cloud computing System offers hospitals and medical practices an exclusive solution for managing their crucial medical information. No need for practices to invest on resources, we provide ready to use solutions. Completely reliable and secure, our efficient Private Cloud service proves cost-effective as well.